A space to connect, create, and align with your authentic self
As a woman on her own spiritual journey, mom, counsellor, holistic nutritionist, and lifestyle coach - this is where I share thoughts, stories, tools, and all my favourite recipes. Stay tuned as this collection expands.
Let’s Ditch the Rules and Rigidity Around Food
Are you feeling lost? Overwhelmed? Or stressed out when it comes to food?
We all want to do "the right thing," but unfortunately this can leave us controlling way too much and trusting not enough. Even when it comes to our bodies. We restrict, we obsess, we behave "good" all day following all of the “rules,” plus maybe get a workout in, so we can feel less guilty and justify rewarding ourselves with some kind of treat at the end of a hard day. If this sounds like you, I promise you are not alone. As you can guess, I am here to boldly burst the diet culture bubble.
Diets do not work because they are loaded with rules and red tape. They do not work because they are rooted in fear and control.

The Mind-Body Connection
Our gut and our brain are connected by a nerve called the vagus nerve which governs digestion and gastrointestinal functioning. Due to this intimate relationship between the two systems, our gut is often referred to as our “second brain.”