A space to connect, create, and align with your authentic self
As a woman on her own spiritual journey, mom, counsellor, holistic nutritionist, and lifestyle coach - this is where I share thoughts, stories, tools, and all my favourite recipes. Stay tuned as this collection expands.

Braggable Turkey Burgers
I just dare you to try them…
Meat is amongst one of the most highly concentrated sources of protein, and although I love a good chuck beef patty there is something so dang good about this turkey burger recipe. I’ll be honest I have tried many not so great recipes that typically lead me to choose beef every single time (which is totally ok by the way!). Good quality beef is your friend if you eat meat. But there is something unique about this recipe that takes the cake my friends and so here I am, sharing it with you now.
Body Talk
It is so easy to get wrapped up in our all consuming day-to-day lives, to keep pushing and hustling our way to worthiness. This experience is fueled by fear and perpetuates a state of fight or flight in our nervous systems, communicating a lack of safety in our bodies. When we are caught up in this cycle we feel increasingly disconnected from our body, and for many of us we have never known what connection to our body actually feels like. Our mind, although working hard to keep us safe and out of harms way, leads this mission and unfortunately causes us to disengage, cutting us off from our body.
Comfort Blueberry Muffins
When Gluten-free baking no longer means eating cardboard
Yes these muffins are gluten-free. Don’t get me wrong the gluten-free industry has come a long way in perfecting the texture and flavour of baked goods, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are any less refined. I personally love baking with gluten-free ingredients like oat and almond flour instead of the usual white flour. I do so because I like variety and finding ways to add more nutritional value to yummy baked goods and sweet treats.

Moving Towards Aligned Motherhood
From navigating those prenatal or early postpartum days to juggling the household, daycare drop offs, school activities and everything else in between, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, disconnected and lose sight of ourselves as women.
As we run on auto-pilot for everyone else, as we are so naturally inclined to do as Mamas, some other things are at play behind the scenes. As I have shared previously in- You can Stop Hustling and Still Matter, this may occur because we are used to the nature of the hustle, the grind and so in general have a hard time slowing down and derive our worth from doing. For a lot of us, the more we do, achieve or boxes we check, the better we feel about ourselves. Although this satisfaction doesn’t last long because we will inevitably need to keep doing or chasing the next thing. What we do, including how we are of service to others may be so intimately tied to our worth- and ultimately how we mother.

The BEST Kale Caesar Salad
When adding avocado just makes everything better
A quick salad staple that pairs nicely with BBQ or pizza night, and honestly a fan favourite any time of year. If there is a gathering I am known as the friend who brings the yummy salad and this one is a frequent go to! There are not too many people who do not enjoy a good Caesar salad. And this one’s ingredient profile kicks it up a notch.
What’s Wrong with Fixing How we Feel?
How can we be present with what feels so unbearably hard?
How can we coexist with our big feelings when everything in us is asking for our avoidance? This is our typical and very valid reaction when faced with any kind of adversity or discomfort. Our evolved human mind is hardwired to help us problem solve, ruminate, worry, fix, to keep us safe, comfortable and bottom line- survive. Our mind is crazy powerful and I am so grateful for the protection it aims to provide. However, there is a pitfall with this design I wish to highlight when it comes to FEELING.
Let’s Ditch the Rules and Rigidity Around Food
Are you feeling lost? Overwhelmed? Or stressed out when it comes to food?
We all want to do "the right thing," but unfortunately this can leave us controlling way too much and trusting not enough. Even when it comes to our bodies. We restrict, we obsess, we behave "good" all day following all of the “rules,” plus maybe get a workout in, so we can feel less guilty and justify rewarding ourselves with some kind of treat at the end of a hard day. If this sounds like you, I promise you are not alone. As you can guess, I am here to boldly burst the diet culture bubble.
Diets do not work because they are loaded with rules and red tape. They do not work because they are rooted in fear and control.
You can Stop Hustling and Still Matter
Let’s face it. Being or doing “better” in today’s culture always comes with that underlying expectation to do MORE.
The words Doing and More = Better. Who even decided this for us? Our North American patriarchal culture that’s who. What’s interesting is that when we reach capacity and feel we cannot possibly take on any more, whether it be at work, or for our kids and family, the immediate response is to judge, beat ourselves up and assume this means we are failing at life. That we can’t handle it all, and so there must be something wrong with us. But is there?

What is Authenticity??
A trait, a value, a way of living?
The term authenticity can be considered a few different ways. A trait or characteristic to describe who we are or who we are not, a value that we strive to fulfill, and as a way to identify how we think, feel and act in the world.